How To Change Oem Logo In Windows 10

Windows 10 gives users a great feature to specify the OEM information. You can easily modify and delete it, or add your own it’s up to you! This can be useful in case you want to give more uniqueness to the machine by displaying your own contact information, your company logotype, URL of website and other values in the System program of Control Panel for single-language, single-region computers.

The OEM logo picture has been set using the OEM Info Tool. You can open System Properties window by using the hotkey Win + Pause. Alternatively, you can also right-click on Computer in Windows Explorer and select Properties from the right-click menu. สำหรับบทความนี้จะมาแนะนำสำหรับคนที่ต้องการเปลี่ยน Logo ที่อยู่ในหน้า System ซึ่งคือส่วน OEM Information หลายคนนึกไม่ออกว่าหน้า System คือหน้าไหนและอยู่ตรงไหน.

  • However, since the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (v1607), the OEM logo has been deprecated and not displayed on the Settings page. This logo appears in the classic system information or Performance Information and Tools Control Panel, but is not used in the Settings app.
  • How can I restore back OEM info on windows properties When you right click properties on this PC you have the information window about your computer. When I firstly received there was a logo there, actually an Alienware logo. After I did a clean format it was lost!

How to add or modify OEM info in System Properties dialog box?

The instructions below are pretty simple all you need is to add a few keys in registry. We remind you, that you can do a harm to your computer and it will stop working in case you will make some mistakes in keys settings. Do this on your own risk!

Press Win +R and type in regedit.

Change Oem Info Windows 10

After that, go to branch:


Tip: Since the Windows 10 Creators Update, you can get to folder by pasting a branch name just in the address field.

If the key OEMInformation does not exist, you need to create it. After that you need to create your own list of parameters, using menu Create -> New String Value.

In every string you need to set the Value name and the Value data.

Most likely, in case you are building your own PC, you won’t find any data in OEMInformation string. You are free to set any parameters by using the key names bellow:

  • Manufacturer manufacturer name (for example, Samsung).
  • Model model of PC (for example, Swift 7).
  • SupportHours support hours. Here we need to set time for technical support. For example, 10:00-16:00. You can enter 256 symbols maximum.
  • SupportPhone phone number of technical support. You can enter 256 symbols maximum.
  • SupportURL technical support URL (later the link will be clickable in the dialog box).
  • Logo manufacturer logotype. This one shows the logo in System Properties dialog box. You need to create a desired BITMAP file with 120×120 px maximum dimension and 32-bit color. Place it on the system drive and set the path to file in key value.

If these values are already there, you can delete or modify them in the way you like. After finished, log out of the operating system and then log in again to see if the changes implemented successfully. To do this go to Settings -> About, here check if the new OEMInformation data appeared under Support headline.

Change Oem Information Windows 10

Tip: In case you don’t want logging out of the system, you can try to restart Explorer.exe process using Task Manager.

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