Open Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor and load the savegame you want to modify click the 'Raw' tab under ' - 2. Squad' click on ' + Player' to expand the branch.
Mass Effect 2 Coalesced Editor
Where To Get It
A short description of how to use a head-morph file: after opening Gibbed, open the target save, switch to the Appearance tab and click Head Morph, then select Import From File, select the downloaded headmorph and save afterward (new save is recommended, in case there's an error). When modifying a face I'd recommend using a changelog. Open up Gibbed's save editor and you will see a row of buttons and 2 rows of tabs. Hit 'Open' and load the save game you want to edit. Create a new save game and input the face code in the Mass Effect 2 custom face editor and then do a save as soon as possible after. Open Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor and load the savegame.
Coalesced Editor for Mass Effect 2
Download the most recent version from here: Coalesced Editor ME2
This tool edits the coalesced.ini file. I would highly recommend you backup your original coalesced.ini file. You can find the file here:
Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > Mass Effect 2 > BioGame > Config > PC > Cooked
How To Use It
Because somehow i always forget and fuck shit up
Before you do anything, back up your coalesced.ini by copying and pasting the files to a safe place. I like to use the desktop. Once you’ve done that, follow these steps:
- Open Coalesced Editor for Mass Effect 2 application. It doesn’t matter where you unzip the downloaded folder or where you run it.
- Click “Tools” > “Change Game Path” to ensure the application is at the correct path to find your coalesced.ini. If not, direct it.
- Now you’re ready to edit all the things in the stuff.
Quick Tweaks & Cheats
From Alæstor on Steam and sagequeen on Game Tourists
Key Binding Syntax:
BIOinput > [+] SFXGame.SFXGameModeDefault
Once you know what context mode you want your key-bind to be in, you can find that heading and make a new binding.
How To Use Gibbed Save Editor Mass Effect 2 Torrent
- The format for a keybind is as follows:
Bindings=( Name= “Key name”, Command=”Command” ) - Optionally, you can also choose to include modifier keys like this:
Bindings=( Name= “Key name”, Command=”Command”, Ctrl=”True”, Shift=”True”, Alt=”True” )
The Name is the key you want to bind. For example: “NumPadFour”, “Four”, and “F4” are all seperate valid keys. You can also rebind keys that are defined by the game, such as “PC_Reload” or “PC_QuickSave”. For the key names, see the [SFXGame.SFXGameModemanager] section.
The Command is the action you want to be executed when the button is pressed.
For the list of console commands, see the ME Wikia – PC Tweaks (ME2)[].
An example keybind would be to press Alt+F4 for godmode (yes, seriously…)
Bindings=( Name= “F4″, Command=”God”, Ctrl=”False”, Shift=”False”, Alt=”True” )
Commands can be seperated using the vertical pipe (a.k.a. bitwise-or), the ” | ” key normally found between the backspace and enter keys. For example: Command=”initpalladium 100000 | initcredits 100000 | initammo 999″ will set your palladium and credits to 100k, and set your ammo to 999.
Loadouts & Weapon Restrictions.:
Raw > [+] Player
Here you can modify First Name field. Click on the field that contains the current name and change it.
Remove Bulky Shoulders—ME2 N7 Armor:
BIOGame > [+] SFXGame.SFXPawn_Player
Here you can find ShoulderAppearances and right-click and “add settings” > single setting. Copy/paste the following code:
Armor & Casual Wear Hacks (female only):
BIOGame > [+] SFXGame.SFXPawn_Player
Here you can right-click and “add settings” > single/batch setting. Copy/paste the following codes either as a batch or singles.
Get Your Old N7 Armor From ME1:
Doctor variant:
Doctor variant:
Doctor variant:
Doctor variant (liara?):
Doctor variant:
Doctor variant:
Consort’s Dress (pink w/ cutouts):
Borderlands 2 Save Editor
Ugly Prison wear variant:
Ugly Prison wear variant:

Ugly Prison wear variant:
Ugly Prison wear variant:
Slave wear variant:
Belly Dress (?):
Short-sleeved blue and black Dress:
Long red and purple dress (Liara’s visit dress):
Long blue and white dress:
Long blue and red dress:
Long Black dress w/ orange trim:
Long Red dress (asari councilwoman’s dress):
Casual variant (black):
Detached sleeves + cutout casual variant:
Blue and Black Casual variant:

Alliance Casual variant:

Alliance officer – full bars:
Appearance modding, iris color, hair and more will be on a separate post with the corresponding imagery. It always bothers me when I have to adjust the code, go into the game, leave the game, adjust code again, repeat 1000 times. Better to just have an image for reference.
If you have any other codes to add to the above ones, please contact me with the subject line: “Shepard ME2 General Codes”. Add your name if you want credit.