The latest version of IMVU is 539.4 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for Simulation in the Games category. The app is developed by IMVU and its user rating is 5 out of 5. Mac Operating System. 2 GB RAM; Intel Core 2 Duo; Intel GMA 950 video card; Basically, if you have a Mac Mini or later, you should be set; For your iDevice, download our IMVU Mobile app from iTunes; Constant Broadband Internet connection; Mobile Apps. For Android: Android 5 and above; For iOS: iOS 12 and above. Tested to work with A7.
On IMVU you can talk with people around the world, dress up a virtual avatar, play walk off, or create products. IMVU does not give your computer a virus when you download the chat client on to. IMVU is the world’s largest avatar-based social experience with the largest 3D world and catalog that lets you create your avatar and customize your look. It’s the ultimate 3D game and social media experience. It’s also a great place to meet new friends. You can chat with friends, roleplay, dress.

This is a section of the tutorial “Download and Install IMVU Desktop App“. See the entire article here.
The browser used in this tutorial to download IMVU Desktop App is Google Chrome . Please, be aware that the installation steps may differ if other browsers are used.
● Steps to install
Click Open.
Drag the IMVU logo onto your Applications folder to begin installation.
A pop up window will appear informing you that the IMVU Desktop App is installing.
After installation, right click on IMVU installer (on your Desktop) and then on Eject “IMVU”. Now, you can delete the .dmg file from your “Downloads” folder.

● Launch IMVU Desktop App
- Double click on the IMVU icon in your Applications folder or open Launchpad to launch the IMVU Desktop App.
- You will be asked to open it, click Open.
To log in, enter your avatar name or email address, and your password.

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